May your 2012 be one big party! [oh for crying out loud, that was messed up all day]
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Welcome 2012!
May your 2012 be one big party! [oh for crying out loud, that was messed up all day]
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
If you're lucky, Santa will bring you a nice clown toy for Christmas! YAY!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
I think they meant UNHINGED

Bird House Red White Mr. Clown Face Ball Nose Smiley Face Hinged Door
It is the season for gift giving, after all...
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Then my friends sent me some great clown pictures, and I remembered where I was and how I need to collect more clown bits and pieces here at Clown Town.
So here's another poor clown that got sidetracked...
There's nothing quite so fine as abandoned amusement park clowns. Let me see if I can find any others. If you'd like to see more of the amusement park our first clown came from, check here.
---------- searching ---------- searching ---------- searching --------- searching ---------
Oh boy - here's one. An amusement park devestated by Hurricane Katrina.
Here's a couple photos from Whalom Park, Massachusetts. Apparently this amusement park ran from 1893 - 2000! Unfortunately, it was torn down for condos to be built. You know - progress. I wonder how many of those sit empty today?
I could go on here tonight and search for more abandoned clowns, but I think it will have to wait for another day. Nearly time for bed - and sweet sweet dreams!
Haunted by clowns, for sure...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Oyster Run Today!
Today is the biggest biker rally in the Pacific Northwest - the Oyster Run. It's a spectacle of bikers, bikes, and sometimes - CLOWNS!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Good for Nothing Bill
Apparently Bill is a clown, and he's good for nothing. He can dance and juggle a mean streak, but he has a weakness for the ladies. And it sure seems like the ladies like him too!
Meanwhile, a very squeaky clean trio sings a fantastic folk song documenting poor Bill and his foibles...
What the hell?!!!
I love this song, love this video. I can watch it again and again and always enjoy it.
Hope you enjoy it too!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Clown Motel
Last year about this time my husband and I were planning a trip to Las Vegas for a really fantastic music event, Matador 21. We decided to drive and camp along the way, but as I was researching our route I discovered -
Tonopah Nevada is the home to the one and only Clown Motel. Should you ever find yourself in Tonopah, I highly recommend staying there. Rates were reasonable, it was clean, and did I mention there are clowns. LOTS of clowns. The only problem we had was that we were right next to the room with a variety of electronics and an ice machine, and it kept my husband awake. Other than that, it was a great place to stay! Here's a few of the highlights, mostly from the lobby of the motel.
Tonopah is an interesting old mining town, full of old buildings and other historical tidbits. We had a nice evening stroll up the street for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Another bonus to staying at the Clown Motel is the cemetery next door, if you're interested in such things. I AM.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Fall has fallen...
Autumn is here. It may technically still be a few days away, but the weather has swung towards the cool and cloudy.
Our very brief summer is over.
Halloween is approaching, and that means plenty of scary clowns. Axe wielding, murderous clowns.
Bloody clowns.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Clown Van
Occasionally I like to venture 'round Google street view and look for strange and unusual things. I don't do it often - I worry I could become horribly addicted to it and spend all of my time doing nothing else! I'll leave that to Jon Rafman (who's blog I love).
Anyhow, tonight I decided to plop my little yellow man down in Juarez, Mexico. The first thing I saw was a grafitti covered wall, and the metal gates and window grates on nearly every home. A couple of blocks later there was a woman sitting on the corner, selling clothing and shoes. Then I traveled into a more commercial area, and I noticed a van with a lot of writing on it. It took a little finagling, but I worked my way close enough to see it.
Such luck. And the Dentista, too...
Monday, September 5, 2011
Working Clowns...
Labor Day is nearly over... that means summer is drawing to an end and we're heading into another season. The holidays are nearly upon us - but we'll get there when we get there. For now, enjoy some clowns at work...
One must get ready for the day. The makeup goes on, just so.
Some clowns work the fences - not in person however. They'd dry up and blow away as dust from the boredom. So they have their picture taken, and then they're put up in strange places to remind you they exist - such as a random gate at a Coney Island circus.
Some clowns walk to work, because they don't want to use up precious resources.
Some clowns are out of work, but are willing to get things done - for a price.
Other clowns put themselves into danger every day, just to entertain people and help keep others safe!
As you wind down your labor day holiday, and think about all of the working folks in the world - don't forget the clowns. They work hard to make people smile and laugh, and deserve the same rights as everyone else. Equal pay, health insurance, and safe working conditions.
Happy Labor Day.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Creepy-Ass Dolls... Clowns

One of my favorite things to gaze at and creep myself out with is dolls. But this is not a creepy doll blog, it's a CLOWN blog.
Fortunately, one of my new favorite blogs has BOTH! Mostly creepy dolls, but the occasional clown is tossed in for good measure. Beacause there are of course dolls that are clowns, and clowns that are dolls.
Please visit Creepy-Ass Dolls.
And sweet dreams. I swear, the clown does not really want to eat your soul.
Clown paintings...

For some reason, people are compelled to create. And a percentage of those compelled creators are further compelled to paint clowns. I'm not sure why, but they've done it and we should enjoy it. Or shudder at the sight - there is no right or wrong reaction.
When one paints a clown picture, does one go mad? I wonder.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Clowns for Hire...
Hey kids! Want a clown for your next birthday party? We've got just what you need...
We will bring cake for you and your special friends!
We willl juggle for you!
We will make balloon art for you!
It will be the best birthday ever!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Things my friends have sent me...
More Clown Criminals!
Thanks so much to my friends that are sending me clown videos and pictures... I do appreciate it!
Thanks Rob!
My dear clowns!!!
I'm back from vacation - a week off from the world is a good thing! I looked for clowns while I was out and about, but not luck. Probably becuse I didn't frequent any antique or thrift stores...
When I got home it was time to set up my clown appreciation area, on the top of my computer desk. Here it i
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Bachmann-eyezed! The clown edition...

The latest and greatest internet meme - Bachmann-eyezed! Michelle Bachmann's "crazy eyes" photoshopped onto every possible person you could imagine... including a clown or two.
I suppose we'll have to visit John Wayne Gacy in depth at a later date, when I have time to write a longer missive.
Monday, August 15, 2011
There are some clowns that scare me...

When these two make this guy look reasonable, you know the world is seriously messed up...
But really, there is nothing reasonable about any of these people. They all give me nightmares. I sure hope our country has a momentary spark of sanity come election time in 2012.
Not holding my breath.
Maybe my love of the other clowns helps me block out this crew...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Clowny Clown Clown
Crispin Glover is a genius!!!
Thinking back about those days
with the clown,
I get teary-eyed and really snide.
I think that deep down,
I hated that clown,
but not as much as Mr. Farr,
I'm going to go smoke a cigar.
Clowny clown clown.
I was walking on the ground,
I didn't make a sound
and then I turned around --
I saw a clown.
Clowny Clown Clown.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Antique store clowns
Something I enjoy is visiting antique stores/malls, and taking photos of the unusual things for sale there. I'm always on the lookout for clowns, and creepy dolls. But we're not even going to go there, since this is Clown Town - not Doll Dorm!
Anyhow - I've found quite a few interesting clowns when out and about, and I'll be even more on the lookout now. Unfortunately, clowns at antique stores are usually way more expensive than thrift store or garage sale clowns... so my digital collection will most likely grow quicker than my physical collection. Here's a coulple more!
Happy shopping!
Cork it!
Searching "creepy clown" on Flickr... too bad these sold way back in 2009! I guess we'll just continue to cork our wine bottle with the cool old door knob my brother gave us.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Vintage Clowns
Here's a fine example of some vintage clowns - not too scary, just cool!
Who wouldn't want to drink their milk from these glasses?!!
Clown Heaven...
It's time to start venturing beyond the bounds of my own clown collection, into the universe of clowns. I have been taking pictures when I can, but there are legions of people out there taking their own photos of clown paraphernalia when they get the chance. No need to hide it away!
Is it a serving tray, or a nicely framed picture? Hard to tell here. But the most important thing is that there is a clown getting his halo from a ghostly (angel?) clown. And another ghostly (angel?) clown with frighteningly skinny legs ministering to him - for what reason?
All kinds of wrong on this one...
And spooky. There's a genre of clowns that need adressing. Both photos are clowns, yet they are so different.
We have many places to travel together in the clown universe, you and I... thanks for coming along for the ride.
Don't be shy, leave a comment...